Apprentice Awards

The Oxford Freemen, who have been in Oxford since the ninth century, have been presenting awards to the best apprentices in the city since 2005.

The purpose of the awards has been to draw attention to apprenticeships in Oxford and to encourage young people to take up apprenticeships. We believe that the Freemen, an organisation representing master craftsmen and merchants, is an appropriate body to make these awards.

Candidates are asked to complete an application form. They will need to qualify for the rules of application and be prepared to attend the next Freemen’s ceremony at Oxford Town Hall. There will be no charge to candidates or their employers. Application forms and rules can be obtained from John Sanders, Awards Secretary, at

The applications will be considered by the awards committee of The Freemen of Oxford will decide to present awards in appropriate business categories. Additionally, the candidate who is judged to score the highest overall in the five criteria listed below will be declared “Apprentice of the Year.”

The criteria that the panel will consider will be:

Apprentice Awards Ceremony 2021

The successful candidates will receive an award certificate signed by the Lord Mayor of Oxford, the Sheriff of Oxford and the Chairman of the Freemen. The winner of the Apprentice of the Year Award additionally will receive a cheque for £100. A representative of the winner's employer would be given a copy certificate which they may wish to display in their premises.

Awarded Apprentices

Lewis Aprea

Maintenance Engineering

University of Oxford Direct Labour Org

Lizzie Astley-Hill

Business Administration

Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service

Oliver Bailey

Health Care & Public Services

Oxfordshire County Council

Ellie Baker


Marshall Motor Group

Felipe Barcelos

Sports, Recreation, Coaching

Premier Sports Group

Nairna Barker

Apprentice of the Year 2019

Oxfordshire County Council

Charles Broster

Mechanical Engineering

Lucy Electric

Adam Carroll

Apprentice of the Year 2014

Classic Car Project Shop

Mark Cheshire


DRC Construction

Jamie Collins


RB Gas Solutions

Calum Cook


John Cook Builders

Charlotte Cox

Business and Administration

Oxfordshire County Council

Emmy Craft

Child Care

Oxfordshire County Council

Alexandra Cross

Business Administration

Thames Valley Police

Hannah Crowder

Apprentice of the Year 2006

BMW Group

William Cuddy-Watts

Vehicle Maintenance

Fitzharris Motors

Daniel Curtis

Vehicle Maintenance

Botley Road Motors

Michael Darley


BMW Group

Natasha Dhillon


Oxfordshire County Council

Toby Edmonds

Business Administration

BMW Group

Elliann Edwards


Crown Packaging UK

Shasha Fraser


Oxford City Council

Adam Fisk

Carpentry and Joinery

Oxford University Museum

Jack Green

Electrical Engineering

BMW Group

Dennis Gumus

Quality Engineering

Lucy Electric

Chris Hebden


Oxfordshire County Council

Angus Henderson


Taylor Wimpey

Emma Hibberd


Steve Miller Hair Workshop

Gemma Holifield

Business Administration

BMW Group

Joshua Holland


Oxford Direct Services

John William Jones

Apprentice of the Year 2008

BMW Group

Charlotte Jupp

Apprentice of the Year 2010

BMW Group

George Kingston-Rayes

Apprentice of the year 2018

Lucy Electric

Corum Lawrence


St Hilda’s College

Cameron Leitelmeyer


Thames Valley Police

Jade McGinnity

Electrical Engineering

Lucy Electric

Germain Morris


Magalene College School

Craig Moss

Apprentice of the year 2007

BMW Group

Rebecca Nash

Business Administration

BMW Group

Balit Oze


St Edwards School

Rebecca Pallot

Maintenance Engineering

BMW Group

Ryan Payne


Pierre Victoire

Caylun Phillips

Human Resources

Oxford City Council

George Pointer

Mechanical Engineering

Reaction Engines

Charlie Price

Catering and Hospitality

Nuffield College

Stephanie Rockett

Apprentice of the Year 2016

Oxford City Council

Joe Robbins

Furniture Making

Benchmark Furniture

Joanna Rolstone

Apprentice of the Year 2011

BMW Group

Jamie Ross

Mechanical Engineering

Lucy Electric

Katie Round

Merit Award

BMW Group

David Sawyer

Apprentice of the Year 2015

Meta Vision Systems

Cohen Scolio


ABC Oxford

Jamie Short

Vehicle Maintenance

B&N Motors

Michael Smith


Oxford City Council

Ryan Smith

Communications Technology

Thames Valley Police

Nicola Stanton

Maintenance Engineering

BMW Group

Liam Martin Starrett

Electronics Engineering

Rutherford Appleton Laboratories

Oliver Steer

Electronics Engineering

Meta Vision Systems

Abigail Street


St Anne’s College

Lauren Summers

Apprentice of the Year 2013

Rutherford Appleton Laboratories

Ryan Taylor

Business Administration

Oxford City Council

Callum Tinson

Apprentice of the Year 2020

Thames Valley Police

Nicola Trinder

Human Resources

Oxford City Council

Niel Philip Turner

Apprentice Of the Year 2009

BMW Group

Matthew Warmington


Oxford City Council

Matthew Westell


Worcester College

Bhaven Yadav

Merit Award

BMW Group